
Machine Learning Engineer

Stellenbezeichnung: Machine Learning Engineer

Firma: Axiom Software Solutions Limited

Arbeitsort / Location: München, Bayern

Job Beschreibung: Description A Machine Learning Engineer is a professional who specializes in designing and developing machine learning systems. They possess expertise in statistics, programming, and data science, and their role involves creating efficient self-learning applications. Responsibilities Design machine learning systems and develop machine learning applications according to requirements Extend existing ML libraries and frameworks Research and implement appropriate ML algorithms and tools Develop Select appropriate datasets and data representation methods Run machine learning tests and experiments Perform statistical analysis and fine-tuning using test results Skills Understanding of data structures, data modeling and software architecture Deep knowledge of math, probability, statistics and algorithms Ability to write robust code in Python, Java and R Familiarity with machine learning frameworks (like Keras or PyTorch) and libraries (like scikit-learn) Outstanding analytical and problem-solving skills

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