
Physicist, computer scientist or mathematician with a focus on AI / quantum computing or machine learning (f/m/x) – Improving artificial intelligence on quantum computers

Stellenbezeichnung: Physicist, computer scientist or mathematician with a focus on AI / quantum computing or machine learning (f/m/x) – Improving artificial intelligence on quantum computers


Arbeitsort / Location: Ulm, Baden-Württemberg

Job Beschreibung: Offer Description

Area of research:

Scientific / postdoctoral posts,Other,PHD Thesis

Job description:

Your research in the group of advanced AI methods will be focused on the development, application and evaluation of artificial intelligence on quantum computers. A central aspect of this work is the testing of quantum programs on simulators and NISQ devices to provide working algorithms for the DLR. Within our projects, access to different quantum computing architectures is available. Besides the algorithms themselves, the evaluation includes the whole pipeline including data encoding and pre- and postprocessing.

At the moment, our group focuses on the following topics:

  • quantum tensor networks and their application in machine learning Data encoding for quantum AI applications
  • heuristic and mathematical ansaetze for evaluating quantum AI algorithms
  • hybrid quantum-classical AI methods
  • exploration of application scenarios of quantum AI in in aviation and space as well as in the fields of energy and transport

Your results and findings are essential for identifying future applications for novel AI methods. You will closely work together with experts from other branches of the Institute for AI Safety and Security as well as external partners.

The opportunity to work on a PhD thesis can be offered, when the suitable qualification is given.

This research center is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. With more than 42,000 employees and an annual budget of over € 5 billion, the Helmholtz Association is Germany’s largest scientific organisation.


Additional Information

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available 1 Company/Institute Deutsches Zentrum für Luft – und Raumfahrt (DLR) Country Germany City Ulm

Where to apply E-mail

karriere@dlr.de Website

Contact City

Köln Website


Linder Höhe[Porz-Wahnheide] Postal Code

51147 E-Mail

kommunikation@dlr.de Phone

+49 2203 601-0 Fax

+49 2203 673-10


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